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An agent handles the execution of runs. There are two types of agents:

  • The agent built into tofutfd, referred to as a server agent.
  • The separate agent process, tofutf-agent, referred to as a pool agent.

Server agents

A server agent handle runs for workspaces that are configured with the remote execution mode. It is built into the tofutfd process, so whenever you run tofutfd you are automatically running a server agent.

Pool agents

A pool agent handles runs for workspaces that are configured with the agent execution mode. It is invoked as a dedicated process, tofutf-agent.

A pool agent belongs to an agent pool. An agent pool is a group of tofutf-agent processes that can be used to communicate with isolated, private, or on-premises infrastructure. Each agent pool has its own set of tokens which are not shared across pools. When a workspace is configured to execute runs using the agent execution mode, any available agent in that workspace's assigned agent pool is eligible to execute the run.

!!! note Pool agents are functionally equivalent to Terraform Cloud Agents (opens in a new tab).

Walkthrough: pool agents

First, create an agent pool in your organization. Go to the organization main menu and select agent pools.

organization main menu

Select New agent pool to reveal the form.

new agent pool

Give the pool a name and click Create agent pool.

created agent pool

By default you can assign any workspace to the agent pool. To grant access only to specific workspaces, select Grant access to specific workspaces.

grant access to specific workspace form

Select a workspace from the dropdown menu and it should be added to the list of granted workspaces.

granted access to specific workspace

Click Save changes to persist the change.

You then need to assign a workspace to the pool. Go to the settings of a workspace and change the execution mode to agent:

setting execution mode on workspace

Click Save changes and return to the agent pool. You should see that the workspace is both granted and assigned.

granted and assigned workspace

Now create an agent token. A pool agent needs to authenticate with a token in order to join a pool. Click New token to reveal the form.

new agent token form

Give the token a description and click Create token.

created agent token

Copy the token to your system clipboard. Now you can run the agent:

tofutf-agent --token <token> --address <tofutfd-hostname>

The agent should confirm it has registered successfully:

2023/12/04 21:52:06 INFO starting agent version=unknown
2023/12/04 21:52:06 INFO registered successfully agent.id=agent-NGB0H1QskahiN9xR agent
.server=false agent.status=idle agent.ip_address= agent.pool_id=apool-d68
2023/12/04 21:52:06 INFO waiting for next job

Go to the agent pool and you should see the agent listed:

agent pool with agent idle

You've successfully reached the end of this walkthrough. Any runs triggered on the workspace above will now be executed on the agent. You can create more agent pools and agents and assign workspaces to specific pools, giving you control over where runs are executed.