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tofutf is the CLI for TOFUTF.

Download a release (opens in a new tab). Ensure you select the client component, tofutf. The release is a zip file. Extract the tofutf binary to a directory in your system PATH.

Run tofutf with no arguments to receive usage instructions:

  tofutf [command]
Available Commands:
  agents        Agent management
  help          Help about any command
  organizations Organization management
  runs          Runs management
  state         State version management
  teams         Team management
  users         User account management
  workspaces    Workspace management
      --address string   Address of tofutf server (default "localhost:8080")
  -h, --help             help for tofutf
      --token string     API authentication token
Use "tofutf [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Credentials are sourced from the same file the terraform CLI uses (~/.terraform.d/credentials.tfrc.json). To populate credentials, run:

terraform login <tofutfd_hostname>